Hotels – What Is Considered Customer Service?

Customer service is simply the provision of exceptional service to customers prior, during, and post-purchase. The perception of positive feedback of such interactions depends largely on how employees “can adapt themselves” to the client’s personality. We often use the example of a hotel’s receptionist. If the receptionist is constantly rude, it will reflect badly on the hotel’s image and therefore influence the decision of any client who may visit that hotel. However, if she is a friendly person who has a great smile and a happy tone all the time, it will enhance the image of the hotel as an attractive place to stay.

This is what I call “creative” customer service. This is done by providing the most cost-effective experience to its customers. I believe that the “cost-effective experience” is defined as providing the most pleasant or satisfying experience for the customers, so long as the money spent is kept within the amount of money allocated for customer service. Of course, there are many factors affecting the satisfaction of customers, but when you have a highly qualified and experienced staff, you will be able to satisfy everyone in your customer base. This will keep your customers coming back.

Another aspect that should not be ignored is social media presence and engagement. In the age of social media, a hotel can get a lot of exposure and become more accessible to a wider variety of customers. In addition, it makes the hotel appears as a dynamic, up-to-date establishment, rather than a place where “old people” settle in and just wait for business to come their way. I recently had a customer who was complaining about being kept waiting in a hotel with her two teenagers for over an hour; this was not a great impression of an establishment which should be a model of customer service.

If the automated customer service department is too full of complaints, it might be time to hire a few extra people to deal with questions and concerns from customers. However, it must be understood that the automated customer service department can only handle a finite number of calls. In the long run, it is better to have a live person call and personally talk to customers, as this shows that the hotel actually does care about its customers. Having live people call also creates a professional appearance, which is important in any business setting. It is also less expensive than using an automated system, especially if the number of calls per hour is relatively small.

Finally, customer service has to be cost-effective. Not every dollar spent is going to make a huge difference, but every few cents counts. For instance, spending five cents on a cold beverage for a customer who has waited an hour for a drink might not seem like a very big price to pay, but if this customer returns and says that he or she was unhappy with the cold beverage, the cost of this service will be very high. Therefore, while it is important to offer wonderful customer services in order to keep customers happy, the money spent on these services needs to be worth it.

There are several ways that hotels can improve their customer experience. This includes the types of events and occasions that they hold, the level of service that are offered, and the type of people that are present. In order to ensure that the customers have a great and enjoyable experience, these things need to be taken into consideration. However, it is also important to keep in mind that it takes a lot more than just one or two steps to create a great customer experience. It usually takes a combination of many different things in order to create the perfect customer experience.


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